Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Getting Started

Welcome to my blog.
Getting started it is always the hardest thing to do. But here goes....

I've decided to start training for a Triathlon.  I'm not registered for one yet, so this is still just an idea that keeps getting firmer with every person I tell.  So, a blog should solidify it, right?

If I'm not sure, why would I be doing this you might ask?  Plain and simple, I'm going to be a tester for my husband's new invention the Moxy Monitor.  Yep, if you go to the product web site, the video on the home page, that's him.

Secondly, with everyone jumping on the fitness bandwagon, it seems like in the past 10 years I've gone from knowing no-one who was running/working out to well over a dozen people who have run marathons.

The problem is, I'm not a runner. I'm a swimmer, but I don't have the time or commitment to join a swim league for adults. So, I would rather train for a triathlon so I can at least swim for part of the race. I've been athletic all my life, so in general I'm fairly fit. I've decided I can learn to love running, and anyone can bike, right?

Finally, when my best friend was training for her first marathon I remember making a comment, "I could do it if I wanted to, I just don't like running." Or something to that effect. Big head, huh? After I said it, I felt bad because it belittled what she was doing and how great an accomplishment it is for her or anyone who accomplishes that goal. Because, I also know a few who have tried and haven't yet been able to achieve that goal.

So, now that I face my own goal, I realize how much of a head game this is. Where is that cocky confidence I had earlier? Now, I need to train and perform and there is that dumb voice in the back of my head already asking...  but what if you can't do it?

Well, it's a journey... I'm excited to try this.

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