Thursday, November 15, 2012

New Clothes!!!

I went shopping! I knew I would need to invest in some gear, but somehow clothing didn't cross my mind.  So, maybe I will need to spend a little more on this venture than I thought I would.  I had put "running gear" on my Christmas list, but well...  I needed it a little sooner. 

I got two tanks for my aerobics/strength training class on Saturday mornings, two long sleeved base layers, one mid layer that could be a jacket on warmer days, one outer shell for windy days, a base layer pants (like long underwear), a new pair of outer pants and a pair of gloves. Most things were on sale, so I averaged about $10 a garment (more for the jackets). I'm pretty excited about all that.

I am realizing it would be a lot cheaper to just go the running route and not do a triathlon, but then I wouldn't get to swim!!!

Here I am in my older gear. I was getting ready for my second run and my first interval training. You can see I'm wearing a Moxy Monitor and watch. The devise is worn next to the skin, seen here on the outer leg muscle. I know the name, I just can't spell it. It works really well under compression shorts, but since it is cold out now, I positioned the monitor under my pants and then careful not to move it too much, I wrapped the Moxy cuff on the outside of my pants.  It doesn't have to be tight, so once positioned, I didn't really notice it was there.

Off for interval training.  It was a simple 60 sec. run 90 sec. walk.  Remember I'm a beginner here. It was interesting to see my SmO2 readings valley and peak with my work and recovery but I am totally limited by cardio right now so for now I'm just seeing what I get rather than using the numbers to guide training.
Thanks for reading!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Now we're talking.... running

Ok, so the temp has dropped and it was a beautiful morning.  So, I wasn't so overdressed.  But, holy batman people, I had no idea I would sweat so much running.  It was 25 Degrees F when I started this morning and I had three layers.... Poly runner's tank, long sleeve cotton T and a lightweight down jacket.  I switched to a fleece headband that is a little tighter to my head and kept my fuzzy mittens.  I took the mittens off about half way on my route and unzipped the jacket.  I was still drenched when I came in!!!

I had my longest run yet.  3 miles in 35 minutes.  I'm pretty pumped!!!  I had to walk the last five minutes because somewhere in the middle of the run I must have been feeling pretty good and kicked up my pace... too fast!

So, for metrics so far I find pace and having a GPS for distance is the most important to me right now.  I just want to know how fast I'm going (to slow down!) and how far I've run.  I'm using Run Keeper through my phone and really like the updates and ques it gives me in the prepackaged workouts I'm doing right now.  Here was today's run. I've also signed up for a beginner running class through an independent business in town, CORE.  This should keep me motivated when the mornings aren't as nice as today and I just can't see myself getting up to run in the middle of winter yet.

Friday, November 9, 2012

First early run - Clothing needs help

For awhile there are going to be a lot of "firsts."  Had my first early run.... on a cool, windy for me, day.

I'm not a morning person.  But, before I thought about starting this journey, I realized that I would have to get used to either getting up early or have late night work outs.  And even though I'm a night owl, my nights are reserved for sitting in front of the fire with my husband to talk about the days events, and dream/plan about the future. So morning it is.

Today was a perfect day to get up and run.  My husband had to get up early for a meeting/conference thing he is attending in Rochester, MN.  And although I like my sleep, if I get woken up in the early morning hours, it can be very difficult for me to get back to sleep.  This morning I didn't even try, after My Guy was out the door, I was up getting ready to run.

This was my third run and I'm very much needing help/advise in the clothing department.
First, it is cold out and in MN it is only going to get colder.  How the heck are you supposed to do warm up?  Is it supposed to be apart of your total distance you are wanting to run for the day???  I have been trying to stretch a little inside and then do about 5 minutes of warm-up aerobic activity, but I hit the out doors and wham, I'm still freezing for about the first 1/4 mile and then because I dressed for that first 1/4 mile, I'm sweating buckets by the end.  HELP!

I need an ear band and gloves because I have issues with those extremities, but what I'm using is not working! The head band is too my pretty, alpaca good for fall headband.  It doesn't keep out a lick of wind which I need for running.  I need to keep my ears covered, protected from wind but not so warm.  My mittens are actually working fairly well but the thumbs are too tight. I don't think are going to last long as the weather gets colder either.  I'm thinking I need to get something fleecy.

As for jackets?  I've decided (after three runs!) I just need to wear one and be willing to take if off and tie around my waist.

Thanks for reading and I'd appreciate any suggestions you would have!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Getting Started

Welcome to my blog.
Getting started it is always the hardest thing to do. But here goes....

I've decided to start training for a Triathlon.  I'm not registered for one yet, so this is still just an idea that keeps getting firmer with every person I tell.  So, a blog should solidify it, right?

If I'm not sure, why would I be doing this you might ask?  Plain and simple, I'm going to be a tester for my husband's new invention the Moxy Monitor.  Yep, if you go to the product web site, the video on the home page, that's him.

Secondly, with everyone jumping on the fitness bandwagon, it seems like in the past 10 years I've gone from knowing no-one who was running/working out to well over a dozen people who have run marathons.

The problem is, I'm not a runner. I'm a swimmer, but I don't have the time or commitment to join a swim league for adults. So, I would rather train for a triathlon so I can at least swim for part of the race. I've been athletic all my life, so in general I'm fairly fit. I've decided I can learn to love running, and anyone can bike, right?

Finally, when my best friend was training for her first marathon I remember making a comment, "I could do it if I wanted to, I just don't like running." Or something to that effect. Big head, huh? After I said it, I felt bad because it belittled what she was doing and how great an accomplishment it is for her or anyone who accomplishes that goal. Because, I also know a few who have tried and haven't yet been able to achieve that goal.

So, now that I face my own goal, I realize how much of a head game this is. Where is that cocky confidence I had earlier? Now, I need to train and perform and there is that dumb voice in the back of my head already asking...  but what if you can't do it?

Well, it's a journey... I'm excited to try this.